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Latest Past Events

NEM 2020

Georgian College 1 Georgian Drive, Barrie

Event The National Engineering Month (NEM) - Simcoe event includes competitions for students in grades 5 to 8 and demonstrations (for all age groups) . Activities include Popsicle stick bridge competition, catapult competition, and motorized boat competition. Demonstrations include coding of Raspeberry Pi, Arduino computers, radio and electric motor building, water treatment processes, and robots. Itinerary Read more about NEM 2020[…]

NEM 2019

Georgian College 1 Georgian Drive, Barrie

Event The National Engineering Month (NEM) - Simcoe event includes competitions for students in grades 5 to 8 and demonstrations (for all age groups) . Activities include Popsicle stick bridge competition , catapult competition, spaghetti and marshmallow tower. Demonstrations include coding of Raspeberry Pi, Arduino computers, radio and electric motor building, water treatment processes, and robots. Read more about NEM 2019[…]


National Engineering Month 2018

Eastview Secondary School 421 Grove Street, Barrie

All students are invited once again to participate in local National Engineering Month activities hosted by the PEO Simcoe-Muskoka Chapter and OACETT Georgian Bay Chapter. The event will be held on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 at Eastview Secondary School in Barrie. Competitions for student in Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 include: Popsicle Stick Bridge Read more about National Engineering Month 2018[…]
